BRIC's Inaugural
Fundraising Event
BRIC's 2022 inaugural Black Philanthropy Month event with Nikole Hannah-Jones highlighted the integrated roots of Black history and Black philanthropy. The conversation deepened our collective resolve to do our part to create equitable communities. It also challenged us as a community to think critically about what history is not being taught, where we invest our 5Ts, and the impact individually and collectively we can make to build strong Black communities. THE BRIC Fund extends its deepest gratitude to our excellent conversationalist Nikole Hannah-Jones, and moderator extraordinaire, and former Denver Post Editor Greg Moore. It was with pride to see our community show tremendous support for BRIC and to have the partnership of our sponsors led by the Colorado Health Foundation. We extend our sincerest thanks to our sponsors, community, supporters, and friends who invested their 5Ts in making this event a success. THIS IS HOW WE PAY IT BLACK through Collective Convening, Crucial Conversations, Critical Thinking and Community Contributions! We could not have done this without you. We invite you to view the event photo gallery below:
Photo Gallery